Longurov graphic center specializes in large format printing and supplying supporting products for marketing and advertising purposes. We often say “No such thing as a maximum size of a product.”

A lot of people do not know what they want until you show it to them.
Here at Longurov GC we all know how it works.

Eye-catching lightboxes, cost-effective advertising banners and beautiful displays send an easy-to-remember instant message to potential customers.

Every drop of ink is carefully placed in the right spot and on the right material. We are professionals and stand for problem solving, individual service, and the best quality.
We are creators. We produce the creation.

With newest technology in the business, dedicated specialists, transparent operations and short deadlines our machine park specializes in large format printing in several techniques, we offer a range of services and our products are delivered on daily basis to clients nationally.

Founded in 1990. Being on the market for 29 years we have changed a lot, constantly increasing our production capabilities and human resources. Developing new ideas and technologies, also investing in professional development of our team, so the final result is a creation of a respectable company by world standards.

Welcome to Longurov graphic center.